*Cotton paper may contain slight imperfections
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Prune Nourry was invited by La Poste to design a stamp for the 2023 art series. Building upon Projet Phenix, sculptural portraits of visually impaired individuals meticulously crafted while blindfolded relying solely on the senses of touch and hearing, the artist is once again collaborating with the INJA-Louis Braille (National Institute for the Young Visually Impaired People) and has chosen the hand of a young student, Aïcha, as her model.
The Ligne de vie stamp is like a mini sculpture, white like the plaster so dear to the sculptor and textured (embossed and Brailled), it shows us that we can see beyond the eyes and travel through touch.
For this new edition, Aïcha's hand has been enlarged and embossed on paper. Produced by Laville Imprimerie, a company founded in 1964 specializing in tactile effects particularly Braille, the print is meant to be seen and touched. The relief is obtained using a duralium tool on a mechanical press, wielded by a tactile technical operator. The name "Aïcha" is written in Braille on the lower left corner next to the edition number, nestled just below the affixed stamp. On the lower right corner, Prune Nourry's signature and a delicate impression of a dry stamp add the final touches to this tactile composition. The embossed print is framed in a handcrafted, custom-made American box fashioned from natural oak.
Photos Laurent Edeline